
Disclaimer: This blog is for a fake company. It is being used for a social media marketing course.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

See Nickelback and win a vacation!

Excited to announce we partnered with As the Crow Flies to bring you an opportunity to win tickets for an inclusive vacation to Canada, home of Nickelback!  See Nickelback at Fran's House and we will choose a winner that night! Purchase your tickets in advanced for $10. savings. Must be present to win. 

photo of Nickelback locaed in photobucket.com


  1. Both of your pages match well together. All of the activities sound like a lot of fun. I need to learn how to do some of the things you have done on your pages.

  2. I love your page. It is very interesting and exciting to read and look at. The flow of the blog makes me want to hear from you more. The fact that your Twitter and your blog blend well together makes it consistent. Maybe in your Twitter make some posts more about the bands that came/are coming to your establishment. It will draw the fans of these bands to come to your page more.

  3. I really like the layout of your blog. Its awesome that you are put the guitars into the background. Another thing I thought was cool was your Win and all inclusive vacation to Canada.
    In your about me make sure you take out the Chippewa Valley Technical College because they don't want that going to the school considering this is a fake account.
    Your twitter has a easy flow and the same concept as your blogger.
    Overall great job!

  4. Fran, LOVE the poster, but there's no content or links to go with it. I need more.
